Best Fanfic of the Month

Hello fellow Fanfic Lovers!!!

I hope you all are fairing well! "Tis a great day to announce a Best Fan Fic of the Month!! Yes, I have changed the title of this blog, but it's because I realized that I will never have time to update the BFF so often. I will, however, will try with the best of my ability, to continue posting new recommendations for you guys to read (as often as possible). My passion for reading fics will never cease so don't think I'm not reading! I just can't get to a computer that would allow me to do all the html changes and what not... Anyway let's get down to business! This month's BFF is.....
                  "The Tale of Ever and Fire"
                  by Nuna501
Once again Nuna501 (aka Gypsy) has been able to catch my eye with another short story/ side fanfic. This story can stand alone; however, according the author, this story ties into the main story that she is currently writing, Almost Lover (another one of my favorites at this moment).  Nuna501 does an outstanding job of luring her audience into a fairylike world.  Like I have said before in a previous update, this story is no ordinary fairy tale, but I promise it is worth the read! The colorful words and audacious plot leaves me feeling nothing less than satisfied with my time spent reading this story.

A princess by the name of Everlasting was cursed since birth with the inablity to smile or laugh.  Although she was claimed as the fairest woman in all of the land, nothing could break the wretched spell.  The King, her father of course, was advised by one of his counselors to build her a home in the forest where it was prophesized that there she would be able to break the spell.  After years of waiting in her forest home with her servants, Everlasting finds herself still stuck with her plague and finally resigned with the idea that she will never be able to emote her moments of glee. Until one day her knight in shining armor comes and saves the day and whisks her off into the sunset.... well not quite! Like I said this isn't the same fairy tale that we've grown  up with.  But I promise it is worth your time! Remember, this is a Soomp! story so be sure that you become a member before you try to click that link!!!

Website: The Tale of Ever and Fire

Well you guys its just about that time that I bid thee Adieu!! Until next time...

Happy Reading!!!
Don of Fanfix

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