Tad bit of a change!!

 Best Fanfic of the Week Month!!!

Hello Fanfic lovers!
Another lovely day to read a great fanfic is upon us.... let's grasp every moment of it and read as if our lives depended on it.... well not really! lol But anyway.... since it's Spring Break and I have NOTHING planned (ugh... how dreadful!) I'll have more time for this blog! However, instead of having a fanfic of the week... we will only have a fanfic of the month! Like I told you guys before, I will be very occupied with my internship and school this month so it would be impressive but VERY unhealthy for me to juggle all of this work in such minimal time! But...enough chit chat though.... now on to bigger and greater things... the moment that you've been waiting for.... the Fan Fic of the Week is.... (drum roll please)...

 Fists and Lipsticks 
Fists and Lipsticks 2:Silver Crescent
  by Hiro0911

This week will be a tad bit different because I was obliged to put both the original and the sequel as the honoree! These two stories are just splendid, a work of art that can only be created by someone that has such an amazing understanding of women and their thought processes! Hiro is a genius! The way he portrays his female protagonist is something of a phenomenon! I'm sure PLENTY of his fans think that he is gay, but he tells us straight up on his website that he is 100% straight oh and ladies he's engaged! So he's HANDS OFF!!! lol! Anyway, only a brilliant man would be able to depict a woman's actions in such great details and I think that man (for this week at least or until I find another dude) is Hiro!

Yamazaki Kosuke and his friends are the biggest, baddest, and sexiest guys to walk the halls of Tsuzuya Academy.  All of the guys envied their swag while every girl dreamed of being with at least one of them.  Yamazaki Kosuke's gang was notorious for the amount of fights they participated in.  The results of these fights were always in his favor, therefore, leaving him the most feared and adored guy in Tsuzuya Academy... until one day Miyazawa Aya begins to attend the school.  Her noteriety was developed through the fact that her gang that was known throughout Japan and was a force to be reckoned with.  Noticing that ever since Miyazawa Aya entered the school less people still feared him, Kosuke felt that his sovereingty was being tested by this girl.  So he takes it upon himself to take back his crown... but of course things don't end just like that! Miyazawa's doll like features, perfect hair, kindness and pink lips starts to take a toll on Kosuke! And her mysterious past and present begins to morph the lives of those encircling Miyazawa Aya! What do I mean by that?  Well, you're just going to have to read the story to find out! Now, I won't talk about Fists and Lipsticks 2 because it kinda ruins the story for you guys! But just trust me.... Hiro knows how to write amazing stories! This story is worth every minute of your time!

Minimized url: Fists and Lipsticks http://tinyurl.com/yz4gyt6
Fists and Lipsticks 2 http://tinyurl.com/yktmmpk

Well, that's all for today you guys! Hopefully, next month won't be so rocky! But be on the look out for some blast from the past stuff!

Happy Reading! 
Don of Fanfix 


  1. I love this story too. The plot is simply GENIUS. He has a mindblowing trailer too, but crap YouTube took down the audio. It still works on Multiply.com though ... http://fistsandlipsticks.multiply.com/video/item/8/Fists_and_Lipsticks_Trailer_-_Book_1_2

  2. yea i saw but i dont think it does it justice (although it was very well done)! F&L is a brilliant story and i think that only a trailer made specifically for it can be good enough! Thanks for commenting!
