Hello Fanfic Writers!!!

I just wanted to advertise myself as a Beta Reader. From what I understand, a Beta Reader's job is to proofread a writer's work before it is published. I am an avid reader that would love to do this FREE OF CHARGE!!! Please contact me if you need help. Feel free to read my work on my blog to see my work. If you would like to see any other creative or formal essays/ poetry, please bring it to my attention by sending me an email!

Happy writing!!
Don of Fanfix

Update and Best Fanfix of the Month

Hey Fanfic Lovers!!

Yes, I know I've been negligent with this blog! I'm really sorry! Please forgive me for my truancies! Honestly, life has turned me upside down and I haven't had the stamina to fulfill my duty to you all! I have been reading, but unfortunately none of the stories have been completed. I finished a short story called "She Felt it Everyday"... well I didn't necessarily finish it. The author passed away before she could finish her story. However, you can understand what the moral and ending of the story would have been if she had completed it. So in the memory of Hanna aka PinkCoffee this month's Best Fanfix of the Month is

She Felt it Everyday
by PinkCoffee

This story is very touching. I cried through this heart felt story. Many girls and even guys have gone through similar heartbreaks and don't know how to recuperate from their troubles. Although we do not know the ending of this story we can all just learn from her mistakes and live life the way she would have wanted to live hers. Her words are truly poetic and grabs the readers' hearts with every fleeting adjective. This is a must read. Even if it's not finished the poetry in this story is worth the read.

A heartfelt TRUE story of Hanna and her crush. Hanna fell in love with a guy she met through a friend.  And she tries to find the best way to tell him that she loves him. I can't delve too much into the story because it will spoil it. But I am 100% positive... this is phenomenal writing.

 She Felt it Everyday

I hope that you all like the story!! I have to head out now!!

Happy Reading!!
Don of Fanfix