What I'm Reading!

Hey Fanfic lovers!

Once again my apologies for my inability to keep up with this blog. But true to my promises I have been on the prowl for good stories! And I have found some! I will be putting up a fanfic of the week in the near future.... hopefully on Sunday. I finally found an application for Blogspot for android so I'm going to try my hardest to keep up with this blog!

For all of you who have not heard the great news... Con.template, the author of "Welcome to the Underworld", has returned from a seven month hiatus! She will be finishing the TaeRi saga shortly but for now she's giving us excerpts of the ending and the story behind the special tea that Yoori created.

In other news.... I have read an amazing story titled "To Be or Not to Be" and I'm currently reading its sequel, "The Unkindest Cut of All" by Pseudonym (on Winglin) Heythere (on Soompi). The sequel is intense so I'm taking a break on it for a little bit. Lol I'm so into the story that I'm anxious about the outcome!

I'm also reading a romantic comedy entitled, "Temptations of a Virgin" by Dewofthesea. Although it's an ongoing story I suggest you get on the bandwagon because this story will surely keep you entertained.

"Almost Lover" by Nuna501 is coming along spectacularly! If you haven't checked out Soompi's latest most loved story, then I suggest you hurry up and join the JaeMi journey.

Another story I would like to share is called "Chasing After You" by Skyelee21! This story is wrapping up in a couple of chapters but the storyline is still very captivating. In my opinion the author is definitely making an impact on her authors after every update! Well that's all for now! Be on the look out for the fic of the week on Sunday! I'll try to get the links of the stories that I mentioned above on my next post!

Happy Reading!
Don of Fanfix
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